Status epilepticus in a female with autoimmune diseases.

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

The patient is a 46 year old woman , resident of nalgonda,with history of autoimmune disease,


She was brought with complaints of 2 episodes of involuntary movements of upper and lower limbs and hemoptysis in the morning.


She developed sudden onset movements of both upper and lower limbs at 5am in the morning which lasted for about 4-5mins , associated with confusion after the episode, without any trigger, aura .

she had an other similar episode while she was brought to the hospital.

She had similar episodes at the hospital. 


Then she had low back ache and generalised weakness , for which she visited a local hospital.During the investigations, she  was found to be having,?soft tissue overgrowth ,(as said by attenders ,no documentation)and need to get operated, during routine investigations creatinine was elevated, then she was started on conservative management .

(Tab Sodium bicarbonate,Shelcal,Omeprazole,Iron folate)

Since then ,she is on routine followup with hemogram and serum creatinine levels,and her baseline creatinine levels were maintained at 3.2mg/dL.

In june 2022,she developed fever and productive cough associated with SOB for which CT chest was done,showing peripheral ground glass opacities,and septal thickening .

Few days later , she developed swelling of both lower limbs till the level of ankles,which were insidious in onset and gradually progressive.

Then underwent dialysis for the first time through right IJV line,for 4 hours,and was on conservative management.

 In September 2022, she developed fluid filled bleb, on one finger and then over all the 10 fingers of hand in 10 days ,some of which ruptured on their own and some were pricked by the patient.

She developed eroding nails and distorted nails , hyperpigmented macules over the face and itching over the palms,and low grade fever associated with loss of apetite and alopecia.

Ulcers over palms , pulp of fingers associated with burning sensation 

With autoimmune etiology suspicion, she was investigated further 

 ANA profile was Positive for 

Anti Ro 52

SSA/Ro 60++


In view of  the persistent low Hb 5-6g/dL,bone marrow aspiration (from right posterior iliac spine)was done for evaluation of anemia.

 Then she was started on mycophenolate mofetil 360mg,and later was planned to shift to cyclophosphamide as she is not responding to MMF.( But was not started in view of renal insufficiency).


In November she developed cough with whitish color sputum which is mucoid in consistency and moderate in amount and non blood stained and non foul smelling .

 Bilateral swelling of lower limbs till knee,not associated with  trauma,and decreased urine output for 2 days,and Shortness of breath( MMRC grade 3),and loss of appetite.

 Then ,she was diagnosed as

*?Antisynthetase syndrome 

 *CLD secondary to autoimmune hepatitis with hypoalbuminemia *

 acute exacerbation of ILD

 *recurrent anemia 

She did not develop any new skin lesions,oral ulcers.

In December,she was taken to another hospital 

Due to increase in the  SOB with abdominal distension ,

Then she was taken to second session of dialysis.

Her antibody profile was repeated.

Skin biopsy was done 

Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed and was found to be having an infective etiology and mucus plugs in the airways.

On ultrasonography,hypoechoic lesions were found in the liver, PET CT was advised and was done.

So they suspected infective etiology probably TUBERCULOSIS,and started her on antitubercular therapy

 Tab ISONIAZID 300mg daily

Tab RIFAMPICIN 500 mg  OD daily 

Tab PYRAZINAMIDE 1500 mg thrice a week 

Tab  ETHAMBUTOL 1200 mg thrice a week

on 15 th December .( But afb, genexpert are all negative)


sudden onset movements of upper and lowerlimbs, for 3-4  minutes,  associated with bleeding from mouth,with brief period of LOC .

similar episode one at 6:00 am, and then 2 similar episodes after they came here at 8:00am.

At presentation her blood pressure was 170/110 mmhg

Her seizures continued each episode about 2 mins and post ictal confusion was present.

 inj lorazepam was given,

 later leviteracetam and 

when her seizures weren’t controlled then sodium valproate was given 

She later then had continuous episodes of seizures lasting for more than 45 minutes .

In view of respiratory distress ( sats 60 ),and uncontrollable recurrent seizures she was sedated with IV MIDAZOLAM and intubated. 

Post intubation, she had cardiac arrest ( no central pulses palpable ) 2 cycles of CPR done ROSC was achieved and post CPR monitor showed monomorphic VT and 2 times 200 J of DC shock was given and then it reverted to sinus tachycardia.

I examined her on day 2 at our hospital


Patient is on sedation.

She has hyperpigmentation on the face, upper limbs 

Her nails 

Single Bleb on the right hand



BP 160/110mmhg

Pulse 158bpm

RR 37 cpm


CVS : S1,S2 heard. No murmurs

RS : Bilateral air entry present

Normal vesicular breath sounds were heard


Meningeal signs were absent 

As the patient is sedated, I didn't elicit Sensory examination, Motor examination.

Pupils: mid dilated , reactive to light 

DOLL'S EYE : present 






                        Rt.          Lt 

Biceps:            2+         2+

Triceps           2+.        2+

Supinator.     A.          A

Knee.             A.          A

 Ankle            A.          A


STATUS EPILEPTICUS, seizures sec to

?autoimmune vasculitis

? Metabolic cause( increased urea)




Day 2 

She was maintained on ACMV MODE of ventilator

On day 9, tracheostomy was done and placed on SIMV mode 

Weaning protocol was followed, from acmv shifted to cpap and then a trial of  piece was done, but her RR was crossing 45 cpm, so she is currently maintained on cpap mode .

To summarise this is a case of 46 year old female with Chronic kidney disease since 13 years, with AUTOIMMUNE INVOLVEMENT ( ANA positive) -involving Skin, Nails, Lungs, Liver 
with current complaints of seizures, due to POSTERIOR REVERSIBLE ENCEPHALOPATHY SYNDROME.

Current complexities in the patient:

Difficulty in weaning off from ventilator

No improvement in the GCS , ( Delayed recovery or due to cerebral insult? )

Severe anemia 

Refractory metabolic acidosis 

My questions regarding this case:

1) Does the current problem, seizures fit into the autoimmune spectrum ( vasculitis) ?

Is PRES associated with autoimmune diseases?
quoting the important lines:
CONCLUSION: A substantial proportion of patients with PRES have underlying autoimmune conditions that may support endothelial dysfunction as a pathophysiologic mechanism. On brain imaging, the location and severity of vasogenic edema were mostly similar for the different clinical subgroups.
(Of 120 patients of PRES, 54 patients with autoimmune disease, 35 (65%) had cerebellar involvement ,a statistically significant increase compared with those without autoimmunity (P=.008). Half of these had mild edema and half had moderate to severe edema. Asymmetry was also seen in half (27 [50%]). Immunosuppressed patients (n=49) also showed a fairly even combination of mild (24 [49%]) and moderate to severe (25 [51%]) edema.)

Other data:
This article has case reports of 
various autoimmune disorders, which presented with PRES features.,with%20confusion%20may%20have%20PRES.

2)Was starting on antitubercular prophylactic therapy needed, even after her investigations were negative?

It was based on clinicoradiological diagnosis.

3) How common is anti synthetase syndrome?
Is this case fitting the criteria? 
I have read case reports of anti synthetase syndrome patients

This is a case of twenty-eight year-old woman with predominant signs of polymyositis, pulmonary interstitium involvement and with positive anti-Jo1 antibodies was suspected for antisynthetase syndrome. Over the next three months sores and ulcerations have appeared at the fingertips. In the later course of the disease clinical picture of mixed connective tissue disease associated with interstitial lung disease, with a dominant picture of systemic sclerosis have emerged. She was treated with glucocorticoides and immunosuppressive therapy. Patient condition was mostly stable, without significant progression of lung lesions. Early diagnosis and treatment antisynthetase syndrome significantly contributes to more favorable course and outcome of disease. A prerequisite for that are well-defined diagnostic criteria and an appropriate choice of treatment.

Other case reports:

The antisynthetase syndrome (ASS) includes inflammatory myopathy (polymyositis or dermatomyositis), interstitial lung disease (ILD), arthritis, Raynaud's phenomenon, and mechanic's hands, associated with antibodies against aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetases, the most well-recognized being the anti-Jo1 antibody (anti-histidyl-tRNAsynthetase).

4)Will the Autoimmune CNS involvement fit in explanation for delayed recovery of consciousness? 

Speaker notes for the presentation of this case

Speaker notes :GOOD MORNING everyone
 Im Manisha Ranga, student of Final MBBS here to present a interesting case I have seen during my posting, under the title of “ optimising clinical complexities in acute neurological outcomes”

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My patient is 46 yr old female with history of autoimmune disorders, who presented with seizures

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My patient is a 46 year old woman, homemaker, resident of Nalgonda, who was brought in confused state, with complaints of 2 episodes of involuntary movements of upper and lower limbs since morning.

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She was apparently normal when she went to bed the day before, in the morning at 5am , she developed  movements involving both upper limbs and lower limbs, each episode lasted for about 4-5 mins , with tongue bite , followed by confusion lasting for few mins. 
was not associated with any trigger, aura.

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13 years back, 
 she had low back ache,which was diagnosed as soft tissue growth 
During routine investigations,
she was found to have elevated creatinine .
Since then she was put on conservative management 
(Tab Sodium bicarbonate,Shelcal,Omeprazole,Iron folate)

 She is on routine followup with hemogram and serum creatinine levels,and her baseline creatinine levels were maintained at 3.2mg/dL.

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In june 2022, 
She was hospitalized for sob 
, fever and cough
She also developed edema few days later,and underwent dialysis for first time

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She developed fluid filled blebs on the hands and fingers ,some of which ruptured on their own and some were pricked by the patient.

She developed eroding nails and distorted nails , hyperpigmented macules over the face and itching over the palms,and low grade fever associated with loss of apetite and alopecia.

Ulcers over palms , pulp of fingers associated with burning sensation 

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With autoimmune etiology suspicion, she was investigated further 

 ANA profile was Positive for 

Anti Ro 52

SSA/Ro 60++


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So , she was started on immunosuppressive therapy 

Slide 12
In November,
 she developed in increased sob, pedal edema, decreased urine output and was admitted in an another hospital.

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They have diagnosed her as antisynthetase syndrome in view of the mechanic hands ,ILD, 
cutaneous ulcers and antibody positivity.

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She was admitted again for increased sob and abdominal distension,
in December

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While investigating, on ultrasonography,hypoechoic lesions were found in the liver.
 So,PET CT was done.
It showed metabolically active lung consolidation , mediastinal lymph nodes,minimal pleural effusion,splenomegaly, diffusely thickened peritoneum- infective, to rule out KOCH'S

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With PET results showing infective etiology probably KOCH'S , she was started on antitubercular therapy.

Slide 17
No past history of seizures
No history of seizures in the family

Current presentation is with 2 episodes of generalized onset seizures

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The patient was acutely managed for status epilepticus, and as they were refractory,Iv midazolam was started

So she was in a sedated state
Moderately built and moderately nourished
Pallor was present, no icterus ,cyanosis clubbing ,koilonychia,generalized lymphadenopathy,pedal edema 
pulse 158bpm 
BP 160/110 mmHg
RR 37cpm
and was afebrile 

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She has HYPERPIGMENTED lesions over face, upper limbs , neck

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She has distorted, eroding nails

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After controlling her seizures, with Iv midazolam
when examined
Meningeal signs were absent
Pupils: R to L , mid dilated
DOLLS EYE: present
Corneal and conjunctival are present
Sensory examination is not elicitable
Motor examination
Bulk and tone is normal 
Power can't be elicited.

Biceps and triceps were 2+

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Provisional diagnosis is STATUS EPILEPTICUS with my differentials being 
Sec to autoimmune vasculitis
 Sec to metabolic cause ( elevated urea)
Sec to flare up on stoppage of immunosuppressants 

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MRI revealed hyperintense signal in bilateral subcortical white matter in both cerebral hemispheres , suggesting PRES

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To summarise, this is a case of 46 yr old multi system autoimmune involvement.


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